Amira - Rosa Bosnian singer Amira is on this debut
album accompanied by the well known artists of the Mostar Sevdah Reunion, but
shows to be fully up to the task to accompany these veterans on an exploration
into the world of the bitter-sweet Sevdah music. Ane
Brun - A Temporary Dive Norwegian Ane Brun is a good songwriter
and her songs are full of Scandinavian melancholy. Badi
Assad - Wonderland Great female guitarist and singer from
Brasil, her slightly bizar website probably fits her music and personality. Bévinda
- Alegria Singing with a beautifully emotional and fragile voice,
Portugese born Bévinda know lives in France and mixes Fado with other world
music influences. Cibelle
- Cibelle Debut album of this Brazilian singer. Lovely music,
with a touch of fado and other Portuguese and Mediterranean influences. Ghalia
Benali - Romeo & Leila From Tunisian ánd Belgian
origins (born there, but youth in Tunisia), Ghalia Benali's warm, deep and highly
emotional voice is a perfect match with the accompanying music on this album.
Her music draws upon both her Arabic roots and many other world musical influences,
but manages to stay true to her Tunisian and Arabic origins. The "live"
presence of this recording is phenomenal, if your audio system can convey it. Habib
Koité - Ma Ya From Mali in Africa, Habib Koité
is a great guitarist, composer and singer, and inherited the great musicality
of his home country. Ilya
- They died for beauty Blanca Rojas jazzy voice is accompanied
on this CD by her three fellow band members that play some exceptional and very
ethereal musical arrangements. Ultimate "lounge" music, very relaxing,
there is not a single dissonant in this music. May be to "slick" for
some. Iva Bittová
- Cikori Czech singer Iva Bittova has a very special style of
singing that is difficult to describe. Ranging from sweet uttered words to sudden
exclamations, her vocal style is very distinct and the capabilities of her voice
broad. An exceptional set of musicians accompany her on this CD, which has outstanding
recording quality too. A real joy to listen. Laura
Lopez Castro - Laura López Castro y Don Philippe inventan el ser feliz Wonderfully
melancholic songs from Laura Lopez Castro that hit you right in the hart. With
influences of jazz and other musical forms, this album is ideal for a warm summer
evening. L'Ham
de foc - Cor de porc From Valčncia in Spain, L'Ham
de foc blends both Mediterranean and Celtic / Galician musical influences into
something really extraordinary. Mara Aranda is accompanied by multi instrimentalist
Efrén López and a few other musicians, who use some unusual but interesting instruments
here, creating a very distinct powerful musical style. Loreena
McKennitt - the book of secrets Coming from a background
of more traditional Celtic music, singer and harpist Loreena McKennitt nowadays
draws her inspiration from all over the globe, adding depth and warmth to her
music. Madredeus
- O Espirito da Paz Madredeus can not be missing from my top
list of favourite music, I love Fado music too... Ojos
de Brujo - Bari From Spain, Ojos de Brujo peforms a loose
but interesting mix of Flamenco with pop music and other influences... Pepe
Habichuela - A Mandeli Fantastic flamenco guitarist.
Every fiber and nerve in my body reacts when I hear him play. Rodrigo
y Gabriela - Rodrigo y Gabriela Although I tend to loose
interest with fully instrumental albums, the work of this young Mexican guitar
couple is a whole different story... Their speedy Spanish / Latin style guitar
playing is just fantastic. It's accoustic guitar playing on testosterons. If you
manage to keep your feet on the ground listening to this album, you must have
been cut from stone... Rokia
Traoré - Wanita Undoubtedly one of the best African
musicians at the present times, from Niger. Not only does she have one of the
most beautiful voices I have ever heared, she also writes, composes and arranges
almost all of her music herself, besides playing guitar on her albums. Her music
is among the absolute best from the African continent (and there is a lot to discover
there...) Sara
Tavares - Balancé Another absolutely fantastic female Portuguese
singer, born from Cape Verdian parents. This album has been beautifully recorded
and gives maximum impact to her beautiful voice and all the instruments. Should
make your HIFI installation really sing and be an absolute joy to listen to... Sarah
Brightman - Eden Using her exceptionally fine voice, Sarah
Brightman is equally well adapted in singing classical music, as well as more
pop-style music. This CD gives me the thrills. Sevara
Nazarkhan - Sen Although definitely highly produced and with
strong modern pop influences and electronic beats, this album does retain just
enough of the regional Uzbekian influences including usage of traditional instruments,
to make it very pleasant listning. Beautiful voice as well of Sevara. Souad
Massi - Deb I always tend to find oriental languages sounding
a bit harsh when spoken (just like Dutch sounds to foreigners by the way...).
Souad Massi just proves that any language is perfectly suitable for highly emotional
and beautiful songs when sung by a talented artist. On this CD she mixes her Algerian
roots with all kinds of world music influences. Teofile
Chantre - Azulando From the Cape Verde islands. Soulful music
by singer and musician Teofile Chantre, who has also written lyrics for other
artists, most notably Cape Verdian Cesaria Evora. Waldemar
Bastos - Pretaluz Another great voice of Africa, Waldemar
sings of his beloved, but war ridden, home country Angola, using his powerful
voice rich of emotion. This album is beautifully recorded as well. |