Contact & Sales Marco Boeringa can be contacted
Photography Tel: +31-(0)6-23683524 You
can contact me for job assignments through these channels too. Most of the pictures
on this site are for sale. If you would like more information regarding prices
and printing options, please send me an e-mail. Feedback on my
photography or website is highly appreciated. Send me an e-mail if you have a
comment! Exhibitions: Publications:
The longevity of Platinum / Palladium prints, a synopsis Article
with contributions by Dr.
Mike Ware, published on the Alternative
Photography website in 2010 | Focus
Magazine - September 2009 Exhibition announcement of "Haarlem
by Night" in "In Focus" section | Haarlems
Dagblad - 20th of August 2009 Newspaper article about
duo exhibition "Haarlem by Night" together with illustrator Eric Coolen |
Analog Photography Users Group: 
This website is W3C compliant: 
Website design by:
Myself |